Arizona Online Wedding Show Logo

Wedding Pros - we’ve designed the Arizona Online Wedding Show to help you connect with couples where they are, without costing you a fortune and taking up your valuable time.

Reach New Clients


Couples are looking for a virtual way to connect with their wedding pros. They want to plan their weddings while staying safe and not needing to spend all day participating in a speed dating version of a cattle call.

“It was fun and a new experience. I was drawn by the affordability and new way to attract clients.” - Steven Aquilino, SJA Events


Your time is one of your most valuable, money-making commodities. We value your time as much as you do. Unlike traditional in-person shows that have you invest 12 or more hours, we ask for a 3 hour commitment - 1 hour for rehearsal and 2 hours on show day. This gives you more time to grow your business, work for your clients, or spend time with your family.

Make The Most Of Your Valuable Time


“Best marketing value for my time and money!” - Scott Faver, The Party Favers

Keep More Of Your Hard Earned Money


We charge less than $200 for quality, one-on-one time with a limited number of both wedding pros and attendees. Bottom line we cost you less and give you more.

“It was an affordable and different experience from the other shows.” -Jeryse Kelly, MJK Events


Develop A Personal Connection


Our online wedding show keeps all the best elements of an in-person show (like live music, fashion shows, and swag bags) but adds a significant benefit: personal and genuine connection.

With us, you get private Zoom breakout rooms where you can meet one-on-one with couples at the end of the show. These "breakout sessions" give you the opportunity to answer questions and truly get to know the couple - which is critical when helping them hire for a day as important as their wedding.

“Best way to meet couples. Intimate setting. One on one connections with those who need my service. And, the ability to stand out without shouting.“- Scott Faver, The Party Favers


Know You’re In Good Hands & Good Company


We don't accept everyone that applies. We select quality wedding professionals that will deliver on their promises to our attendees.

We organize intentionally - being careful not to place pros that are too similar back to back.

We hold our pros to the highest standards - requiring that they rehearse their presentations, offering them coaching support, and ensuring the products and services they offer are in line with the caliber we (and couples!) expect.

“Less expensive than "convention" bridal shows and something run by people I know and trust.”William Babin, Big Zephyr Music

Venue Virtual Tour Benefits


Stop worrying about organizing an open house with limited attendance and complicated logistics. Instead, showcase your venue to a larger and wider pool of possible couples.

With the ability to present virtually, you'll have the opportunity to showcase the benefits of your venue and give a virtual tour to couples that may not otherwise have known about or shown interest in your venue.


Guidance and support


Contrary to popular belief, owning a business doesn't mean you're naturally comfortable giving a presentation. But don’t discount this opportunity!

With one- on-one coaching, we'll make sure your presentation background looks great, help you test out your equipment and internet, review your slides in advance, and hold a rehearsal before the show.

In addition, we provide access to a private Facebook community, for wedding pros only, where we provide continuous communication, support, resources, and reminders in the months leading up to the show.

We know you're choosing to be a part of our community in an effort to drive business. So, we'll support and encourage more traffic to your site by featuring you on our blog and on social media.

Ultimately, we value building genuine partnerships, and we'll do everything possible to help you feel confident, prepared, and able to put your best foot forward as you grow your wedding business.